
Friday, September 25, 2020

Spring Equinox


I am SOOO excited to share this quilt that I made! (Happens occasionally!)  I loved this pattern the first time I saw it on Instagram.  The pattern is called Spring Equinox and is by designer Taralee Quiltery  who lives in neighboring Stonewall, Manitoba.  My niece Amber was graduating high school this year, so it felt like the perfect fit to make it for her.

I also decided this quilt was the perfect opportunity for some over the top quilting.  I have only done something like this once before when Reneta pushed me out of my comfort zone with this quilt.

I was easily able to buy the pattern online, but at this time all the fabric stores were closed to the public.  I sent Jennifer at Needle Craft and Studio in Beausejour a picture of the front cover and the fabric requirements and she put together the fabrics for me with a little consultation over IG messenger.  After a curbside pickup I was off to the races.

For the quilting plan I knew what I wanted to do in the background - a mashup of feathers, paisleys, swirls, pebbles and curls;  and I knew I wanted to keep things simpler in the flower so that there would be good contrast.  I used most of the Quilted Pineapple curved rulers that I owned to get all the different arcs just right.

When I am making a gift for someone, or am working on a quilt one of my clients is giving as a gift, I love to be able to personalize it.  I decided one set of leaves was the perfect spot.

I used one layer of Quilter's Dream Puff Batting to ensure the quilting would have enough loft, and one of my Northcott wide backings called Simply Neutral in grey.

I was happy with the quilt top before it was quilted, but I am over the moon with the final product.  I did a multicolor binding which isn't something I normally think about, but it turned out better than I imagined. 

And if you are still scrolling I will leave you with more pictures as I just couldn't decide what not to share. 



  1. Amber's quilt is beyond gorgeous. I love it all; the design, the colour palette, and the "over the top" quilting. Wonderful job, Lori. Amber is a very lucky girl.

  2. It's beautiful!!! I absolutely love the colors and your quilting is amazing.
