Thursday, April 28, 2016
Fancy Forest
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Glorious and Free
Lynn left left the quilting designs up to me, but requested no feathers and something slightly modern. I knew the maple leaf had to be the star of the show and I quilted stylized veins with curls.
The white sections got a contrasting horizontal linear treatment.
If you are semi-local and want to see this and some other beautiful quilts in person check out the Beausejour Quilt Show.

Beautiful job Lynn!
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Pansies in Paradise
This beautiful quilt was made by Eileen. It was a whole lot of piecing, but I think it was worth it. I certainly enjoyed quilting it.
This is the original quilt kit that Eileen fell in love with. The pattern is called Pansies in Paradise. It was a lap size quilt and was available as a kit. When Eileen was here visiting we got talking about making it for her queen size bed and how that would change the look of the quilt. I used my EQ7 software to draw up the layout to help visualize things. This original pattern used 12” blocks. When we put the 12” blocks into the larger quilt, some of the original feeling was lost as it got quite busy. I suggested to Eileen that she consider scaling everything up and using 15” blocks. The result has more of the feeling of the original and it would require less sewing! (30 blocks as opposed to 63!!!) Eileen bought 3 kits, but really only needed 2 1/2 to create the queen size version.
I think she made the right choice! The quilt has some breathing room, and you can appreciate all of the pansy fabrics that she was drawn to originally.
Eileen is one of my clients who doesn’t care for a lot of feathers. She did agree to this style to highlight the cream frames. Everything in moderation!
The rest of the quilting in the body of the quilt was continuous curves, curls and loops and a few straight lines. We decided that stitching in the ditch was not required in the majority of the quilt. I only used two thread colors for the entre quilt. Cream in the frames and one shade of purple everywhere else.
The two border fabrics did a good job of hiding what I quilted. At least you can check it out on the back.
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
An Eventful Weekend!
I was lucky enough to be able to spend this past weekend with my dear friend Kathy. She drove down to Dauphin from Flin Flon through not the best road conditions. We spent Thursday doing some Highway 10 Designs business and attended the Crocus Quilter’s Guild meeting. On Friday we headed to Winnipeg to take in the Manitoba Prairie Quilter's Show. This isn’t the best picture of us as we were both a little hot and tired because of the crowds, but it was the only picture I got of us together.
A few of Kathy’s clients are members of the Manitoba Prairie Quilters so we got to see some of those quilts on display. Notice the red ribbon in this picture – it won first place in the large commercially quilted category. This didn’t really come as a surprise to me, Kathy does beautiful quilting and her client did a wonderful job putting this Arcadia Avenue quilt together.
Another really fun thing for us was seeing the beautiful samples some of the vendors had made of our quilt patterns. This is City Slicker in the Road 17N booth. We loved Shari’s version of this quilt. Shari has a lovely shop in Winkler, Manitoba and it is worth the short drive out of the city!
Lesile of Keystone Quilts surprised us with her version of “Not Your Mother’s Rail Fence”. I’m not sure I would have thought to combine three solids and the modern floral, but the resulting quilt was really eye catching. She also had a lovely batik version of the Detour runner, but I didn’t snap a photo.
Here I am being silly in the Fabriculous booth. Wendy had this beautiful version of Quarter Sections and I just needed to touch it! There were Highway 10 Design samples in every corner of her booth.
We returned to Dauphin on Sunday and even though there were some snowflakes coming down we fired up the wood oven to make pizza. Kathy and I only see each other in person a couple of times a year, so it was an occasion worth celebrating.
Kathy headed back to Flin Flon on Monday, but the celebrating continued at our house. My oldest daughter Kyla turned 18. I am really the mother of an adult? I’m not sure where the time went!
Thursday, April 7, 2016
I love the texture on the flannel back!