Friday, June 14, 2024

Dignity Quilt

This stunning quilt was brought to me by Susan. This quilt will be used as a Dignity quilt at a local care home that her church supports. What is a Dignity quilt?  The purpose of a Dignity quilt is to be used at the care home when someone dies, and there is a public exit from the building in front of other residents and staff.  Instead of seeing a body bag, the stretcher is covered with the quilt.  For the design of this quilt, Susan was inspired by a quilt that was made by the Crocus Quilters in Dauphin, MB that I used to belong to.  You can read all about that quilt and the inspiration behind it here.

Susan opted for the Bora Bora pantograph, which reminds me of wind blowing across the landscape - a perfect choice!

This quilt was made entirely out of batiks, and all the different patterns and textures just add depth to the quilt.  I think the final product is absolutely gorgeous.


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, both the quilt and its purpose. I can see the story of a life there, from the earth, along the river of their days, to the sky and heaven.
