This is Sandra's version of the Fiberworks pattern called Birch Street Collage. I was a bit hesitant to take this one on at first as sometimes certain brands fusible web in multiple layers can cause stitching issues and gummed up needles. Sandra knew what products she used, so I felt better and thankfully I had no issues.
Trying to stitch the individual fused pieces down was not an option I was willing to consider as I was worried about causing fraying along the edges, and the number of thread changes required would have made this a very time consuming and expensive endeavor.
We opted to follow along the lines of what the designer Laura Heine does with her samples. Quilting a grid across the whole thing. The benefit of this is ensuring all the pieces are securely held in place, and that the piece will hang nice and flat against the wall as the quilting is even. It is also a cost effective option. Superior’s So Fine thread in #504 Silver Screen blended in nicely across the whole quilt.
I quilted the grid on one direction, took the quilt off the frame turned it 90 degrees and reloaded it to quilt the lines in the opposite direction.