Thursday, September 26, 2024

MPQ 2025 Raffle Quilt

Earlier this spring I had the pleasure of quilting this jaw dropper!  This quilt is the 2025 Manitoba Prairie Quilter's Raffle Quilt.  The draw will take place at the Quilt Reflections Quilt Show in Winnipeg that is being held April 11-12. (I do have tickets to sell to anyone local.)

The fabric used in this quilt, including the back is from the Whale Song collection from Northcott fabrics.

The makers of the quilt left the quilting plan up to me, but they did say overall they preferred less dense quilting to very heavy quilting.  This quilt definitely required a plan before I loaded it up as it had so many uniquely shaped areas.

I had to dig deep into my bag of tricks for this one.  All of the quilting was hand guided with rulers and freehand designs like the curls and feathers on my Innova longarm.

I'm going to include a ton of photos as you can take in all the different areas of the quilt.  I tried to repeat as many motifs as I could to bring continuity to the quilt, but the list of what is included is quilt long! 

The outer border contains a widely spaced bead board design, followed by curls in the inner border,

I mixed straight line and curved lines, petals and curls, clamshells and some angled lines.

The larger plain areas got some curly feathers to add some nice movement around the centre block.

I will have to be sure to buy some tickets on this quilt, because it looks pretty great on my bead don't you think?

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