Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Black and White HST Quilt

This striking quilt belongs to Winnie.  She won the blocks at our local guild.  It is hard to get a sense of the size of this quilt.  The triangles were made from 14" squares! Please note: There is no commerical pattern available.  Winnie came up with layout on her own after winning the scrappy squares.

I had a hard time deciding what to quilt on this one. It is going to be a wedding present so I wanted something special, and I knew I wanted black thread on the black and white thread on the white. Many days of doodling were involved!

 I wanted to emphasize the center star so I added "less stress feathers" there and in the top and bottom rows.  This was the first time I tried those feathers and I really am pleased with how they look.  I think they will be in my repertoire from now on.

To balance out the feathers I added straight lines in the outer most triangles and this diamond and curl motif in the rest.

The outer border got half a feather plume to fit the space.

 I love the cheerful backing fabric she chose too!

It seems that no matter how careful you are when working on a black and white quilt, those black thread have a way of migrating underneath the white fabric.  If I saw them early enough I could utilize one of the cool features of my Innova machine - the gas assisted lifting top fabric roller. It isn't a feature I use all that often, but it came in handy more then once on this one!

 If I've already done some quilting and trapped then errant thread, I had to resort to the fine crochet hook.

 Another cool Innova feature that I used a lot for this quilt was my cross hatch ruler system.  The ruler attaches to the guide bar at the back of the machine and is extremely stable.  There have been many times that I have wondered if the cross hatch system was a good purchase or not.  After putting it through the paces this time, I am really glad I got it.  It made all those long diagonal line so much easier.

One more thing to share.  On our recent trip to Winnipeg we were trying to figure out what was holding up traffic in both directions.....

All the Friendly Manitobans stopped for the Goose Crossing!


  1. WOW Lori that quilt is gorgeous. I love the designs you chose to quilt it and those feathers look great. You have really brought it to life.

  2. Lori, that quilt turned out so well. Those feathers ARE gorgeous. And the diamonds look great too. Well done.

  3. Beautiful quilting, I know you worked very hard to make this a special quilt for Winnie.
    So glad I talked you into getting the cross hatching ruler for your machine, I knew you would use them!
    Now I wish I had the top roller lift feature but my machine doesn't have that :(

  4. Beautiful quilting Lori. Love the quilt.

  5. Winnie's quilt is beautiful and your quilting enhances it so well. I really like the stress free feathers although I imagine in the beginning there probably was some stress. Lucky are the couple who are going to receive this quilt. I just love the backing.

  6. Wow! Love it! What size quilt did you end up with using 14" squares?

    1. Mel, Your settings have you as a no-reply blogger, so I will answer your question here and hope you see it. This quilt finished out at about 84" x 110". You really could you any size squares to get the finished size you are looking for.

  7. Gotta love that machine!! I bought the ruler too. I am so glad I did. Used it quite a bit on my last quilt.
    Now tell me where did you learn to do those amazing feathers? I still have feather phobia. I can do them but I don't feel real relaxed about them. Yours look amazing. Top result!!!


  8. what a beautiful quilt. What pattern did you use?

  9. Can you tell me what pattern you used? My living mother said she would make the quilt if she could get the pattern! !!

  10. has anyone found out if there is a pattern for this quilt , or what size are the HST that were used ?

    1. There is no pattern. HST were approx 13". They started from 14" squares.

    2. wow one HST was 13 inches , wow how big was the block , you did Beautiful work on the quilting I am just a beginner on Quilting I hope I can Beautiful work like this someday !

  11. This is gorgeous!!! You have done a fabulous job and Winnie is a very lucky person to receive this with so much love put into it, LOVE it!!!

  12. how many different black fabrics were used?

  13. OMG! I love this quilt. It will be so great with my black and white fabrics! What is the name of this pattern? Your quilting is so magnificent! Both of you are so talented!

  14. This is an awesome quilt! Could you provide a link to where this pattern can be found?

  15. I want to make this so badly! How many different fabrics and what sizes are they? It is beautiful! I love the quilting on this!

  16. Dear Lori,
    i am from Germany. My english is not so good. But i must leave a compliment for your wonderful quilt. I love it. The quilt i absolutly greatful :-)
    Greetings Angie

  17. I am hoping you will answer this question Lori - can you tell me how many different fabrics you used please? And what was the end measurement of each HST block?

    1. Linda, as I didn't piece the quilt top, I only quilted it for my client, I do not have the answers to your questions. I have shared all I know above.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Wonderful quilt! I saw this when i was learning about HSTs and did a simpler strictly machine version of it as a Christmas/birthday gift. Did it in a turquoise & cream, 8 1/2" squares in a 10 x 10 grid. I extrapolated the pattern out for the additional rows

  20. Hi Dauphine,
    I just came across your Black and White HST Quilt while searching the web. This quilt is so beautiful it took my breath away. Do you think you will make a pattern for this beautiful quilt. I would love to do something like this. Do you have any suggestions for a similar pattern. Thank you so much for sharing the wonderful quilt.


    1. hi, here is something absolutely similar....

  21. Has anyone found a pattern for this specific quilt yet? (I have found similar but not exactly the same.) I have seen one made up that looks exactly like the one pictured - even black and white - so there must be a pattern out there somewhere!

    1. They are half square triangles. That's it. So. A white triangle and a colored triangle sewn together, and then those blocks are all arranged into the desired pattern.

  22. Star Gazing...looks just like it

  23. That is absolutely amazing. The detail is outstanding. I am just starting to quilt and so far have not done any free hand quilting. I am now making a Supernova Quilt that has a similar starburst design. I had to take a photo of the layout as I could not print it off of the MyFavQuilts that send me patterns everyday. It is the most impressive pattern I have seen yet.It takes 100 squares. 50 white and 50 prints. Then you make triangles - so 200 HST's. I am so impressed by your work.

  24. Hi there - I am curious how you handled the black and white thread. The color scheme for my quilt is like your quilt except the back is all black. The quilt shop is saying use white for the whole thing - my first reaction is that would not look well on the black. Do you have any advice?

    1. I would not be happy with white thread on solid black. I used white on the white and black on the black. It was easy to do as it was custom quilted.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. New quilter here. The quilting is simply stunning and is now saved as an inspiration for me!

    Related to your response to Lori S's question... Did you use a dark thread for the backing (if the backing was all dark fabric) and white thread for the top?

  26. As the backing for the quilt was the green print you see above I chose to use white thread for the entire back. I was able to balance my tension well enough to make that choice. Sometimes it is better to match your top and bottom thread and have a variety of colors on the back. No one right way, just what will produce the best outcome under your circumstances.

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  28. can some one tell me how much material is needed to make a King size?

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